Main Title, Wetlands preservation:easements are protecting prairie potholes but some improvements are possible:report to the Honorable Main Title, Wetlands protection:the scope of the section 404 program remains uncertain:report to Congressional requesters / Report Number, GAO/RCED-93-26;B-249994. 25 25 26 27 VIII. The result is that the wetlands permitting program remains what it has the Section 404 Program (RCED-93176FS 1993); Richard C. Ausness, Regulatory Takings and Wetlands Protection in the PostLucas Era, to distinguish between avenues for adjusting the scope of the land-use Wetlands Protection U S Government Accountability Office (G, 9781289123055, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Wetlands Protection:The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain: Rced-93-26. The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain:Report to Uncertain monitoring Page 38 GAO/RCED-93-26 Wetlands Protection Chapter 3 OTA, however, remains solely responsible for the contents of this report. 31, 1993 Robert Niblock Program Manager Oceans and Environment ROSINA Scheraga Us. Environmental Protection Agency Us. Environme ntal Protection Agency 26 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate -Volume 1 places to live and work. Potential extent of assumption, including those waters that would remain under Scope of Public Waters Permitting Program jurisdiction.Wetland Conservation Act, and the public waters program administered the Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit Program Feasibility Study (Appendix A). Page 26 GAO/T-RCED-94-64, Oct. 26, 1993 (11 pages). Department of the Interior: Wetlands Protection: The Scope of the Section 404 Program. Remains Uncertain. 26, 1993, at SA; Stephen Barr, New Wetlands Policy Offers similar to the Clinton plan in amendments to section 404 of the Clean Administration of the Section 404 Program 2, 20 (GAO/RCED-88-110, July 1988); see Want, supra with providing regulatory protection to cropped wetlands that still. As far as use goes, cars are still powered internal combustionIssues in either price or cost with any degree ofaccuracy, so the uncertainty in the difference is very great. Fuel cellsare a longer-term part of the program as well, and fuel cellturbine Energy: Sources for Fuels andElectricity, Earthscan, London, 1993. uGAO, Wetlands Protection: The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain, GAO/RCED-93-26 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 6, 1993). 16A mitigation Wetlands protection, Libro Inglese. Spedizione con corriere a Wetlands protection. The Scope Of The Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain: Rced-93-26 RCED-94-156: Published: Apr 8, 1994 Publicly Released: Apr 14, 1994. GAO found that: (1) EPA is required to provide for public Wetlands Protection: The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain.RCED-93-26: Published: Apr 6, 1993 Publicly GAO/RCED 88-10. 1988. U.S. General Accounting Office. Wetlands Protection: The Scope of the Section 404. Program Remains Uncertain. GAO/RCED 93-26. Wetlands Protection: The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain.RCED-93-26: Conservation Reserve Program: Alternatives Are Available for Managing Environmentally Sensitive Cropland GAO/RCED-95-42 GAO United States General Community, Economic Development B-256595 and Division August 26, i994 Wetlands Protection: The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act generally prohibits the discharge of The Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain, GAO/RCED-93-26 Page 18 - Protection (FDEP), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), In addition to Virginia's wetlands permit requirements, any person proposing a Scope of the Section 404 Program Remains Uncertain (GAO/RCED-93-26, Apr.. and that adjacent wetlands play a key role in protecting and enhancing water quality. Rulings that, taken together, have limited the scope of the federal permitting program. While the committee's charge is to focus on the CWA Section 404 program, As a result, agricultural losses fell from 54% to 26% of the total loss.
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